What’s been happening at Rata Studios this term?

We have had a very busy start to the year with the launch of the new Rata Studios School of Music adding to the other great courses running here every week.

On Sunday 28th Feb a great line up of musicians entertained the crowds at the Kilbirnie festival. Here is Brenton Veitch on cello and Slava Fainitski on violin who both teach here on Saturdays.


Last Saturday, visual effects, art director and filmmaker, Christian Rivers came along to show his short film, Feeder, to Miranda Harcourt’s teen actors. This was such a great opportunity for us all to see this film and for the actors to have a Q and A with Christian at the end.


All the other drama and creative technology classes are in full swing and it has been great to see all the new faces around here this year!


Keep an eye out for more highlights through the term.

Newtown Festival 2016

newtown_festival_16Head on down to the Newtown Festival this Sunday 6th March where the Rata Studios School of Music has a stall where some of our musicians will be on hand to talk about their classes and some will be playing on the various stages at the festival throughout the day.

Come and see us, the line-up looks amazing!

Our Location

Rātā Studios
Based at Scots College
1 Monorgan Road
Wellington 6022
Rātā Studios
Based at Scots College
PO Box 15064
Wellington 6243
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