Drama Classes

“Rātā Studios, a Drama School in Wellington New Zealand, is an opportunity for young actors to step up to professional practice. Our teen students have scored roles in short films, features and on stage direct from the exposure and skills they learn here. Watching, experiencing and crafting work with top professional actors and directors is the best way to become the best actor you can be.”

—Dame Miranda Harcourt

Our acting classes are all about developing skill and craft and confidence. All our classes are taught by leading acting professionals who know the industry well and are connected to the wider arts community.

Many of our students have been successful in being cast in roles in film and stage productions and our teen acting classes are recognised as a feeder into tertiary pathways and professional opportunities.

We have drama classes for young children from age 6 through to teens and adults.

Our drama classes are not geared towards big performances at the end of each term or year but there are opportunities to see the classes in action from time to time.

The Rātā Studios Drama School is based in Wellington, New Zealand.

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Our Location

Rātā Studios
Based at Scots College
1 Monorgan Road
Wellington 6022
Rātā Studios
Based at Scots College
PO Box 15064
Wellington 6243
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