Latest News

Farewell to Jackie James

We want to take this opportunity to give our heartfelt thanks to Jackie James for her incredible mahi over the last 11 years in creating Rātā Studios.The many lives that have been enriched, the creative careers kick-started and the strong community built, is testament to your compassion, determination and vision.As we farewell you to Whangarei Read more

Fundraising event for the East Coast

This Sunday, 2nd April,  there is a chance for anyone 18 and over to attend a fantastic gig at the San Fran. Nikita Tu-Bryant was one of the original Rātā tutors when we started 10 years ago and she has put together a fantastic line up to raise funds for those on the East Coast Read more

Rātā Summer Acting Courses

There is still space in the two Rātā Summer Acting courses on offer in January.If you love Musical Theatre then join us for a fun week from the 16th-20th Jan. Suitable for 11-18 year olds.Only a few spaces left for older teens who want to immerse themselves in the world of acting for green screen Read more

Summer Acting School 2023

In January 2023 we are offering two courses for teens and young adults interested in acting!  Week 1 is all about Musical Theatre and Week 2 we venture into the world of Performance Capture.Check out the details right here

WELLSO Summer School 2023 is open for bookings!

What will WELLSO Summer 2023 be about?Baroque to Romantic: Different styles for different eras.Covering music from the Baroque Period to the Romantic Period we will be exploring, with experienced professionals, how they approach music from each period in terms of style and technique. This will include workshops on playing different styles with our modern instruments Read more

WELLSO Spring Weekend

Come and spend a weekend with us in October;There will be a combination of sessions all together to enjoy some orchestral classics, chamber music groups plus sectionals and workshops to develop skills. As always we invite our wonderful friends from Orchestra Wellington and the NZSO to lead sessions throughout the weekend,Book here now.

Rātā Acting Course in the Holidays 

We are halfway through the term and looking ahead to the excitement that awaits these school holidays. Jo Rogers is bringing a Short-Theatre Bites Holiday course to Rātā in the second week of the October holidays. An opportunity to “adapt, devise, create, improvise, short-theatre-bites”, this course will cover a variety of performance techniques – voice, song, Read more

Celebrating Rātā grad Hazel Perigo-Blackburn  

In Blind FaithWhat’s it about: In Blind Faith is a queer, diverse Faustian tale set in the New Zealand goldfields, where not all that glitters is gold. It follows Edith Waterford as she tries to make her fortune at the goldfields, encountering three enticing people who represent three ideologies along the way, all while falling Read more

Writing for Theatre Course with Cassandra Tse

Young actors and passionate writers! We are thrilled to be introducing this new course with Artistic Director and Playwright Cassandra Tse.This is a fantastic course for teens and young adults interested in writing their own dramatic material, or for young writers of any discipline interested in learning more about writing for theatre.The nine week course Read more

Holiday Drama course with Jo Rogers!

For the first time this year Jo is running a week long drama course in the second week of the July holidays.This is for students in Years 7-12 at school (11-17 year olds) who love acting and creating and working with others.Jo’s holiday courses are always popular and will be a lot of fun.Find out Read more

Our Location

Rātā Studios
Based at Scots College
1 Monorgan Road
Wellington 6022
Rātā Studios
Based at Scots College
PO Box 15064
Wellington 6243
Enrolment Email